South Bend appoints former health department race grifter to reparations study

Cassy White
Cassy White, former Director of the St. Joseph County Department of Health’s HEED Unit — Photo: Facebook

SOUTH BEND, Ind. — REAL News Michiana has learned the South Bend Common Council appointed former radical St. Joseph County Health Department employee, Cassy White, to be part of a committee to study potential reparations within the city.

White, the former Director of the St. Joseph County Health Department’s HEED (Health Equity, Epidemiology and Data) unit officially resigned from the DoH on June 2nd. HEED was created in 2020 at the height of the George Floyd and BLM riots. White was tasked with being the inaugural head of the unit.

White resigned from the DoH following an RNM investigation uncovering her overtly Marxist and racist agenda within the DoH in the form of Critical Race Theory tenets. She was even using her position to promote the historically defunct 1619 Project that was written by CRT enthusiast Nikole Hannah Jones.

It turns out, White wasn’t even hiding her agenda — it’s all laid out on the county’s department of health website through White’s HEED Unit.

The website gives “educational tools” for CRT’s mainstaple of “anti-racism” where white people are to admit their privilege and feel guilty for the color of their skin. It also pushes people to the 1619 Project, an article called Fear a Black President by CRT leader Ta-Nehisi Coates and the radical leftist podcast for pushing CRT into schools called Nice White Parents.

White, along with 13 other people (many who have made livings off of the race grift), was selected for the South Bend Reparations the study. RNM will be highlighting several of them in upcoming stories.

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