Sen. Carpenter: Condemns the attack in Cathedral Square Park

(MADISON)—Today, Senator Tim Carpenter (D-Milwaukee) issued the following statement after an attack on a group of women Sunday evening in Cathedral Square Park:

“Milwaukee is a city that is tremendously proud of its immigrant heritage. We must stand up and speak out against physical attacks of any kind, and especially those that appear to be perpetrated on the basis of another individual’s religion or nation of origin. This is wrong and unacceptable.

“Our City is home to the greatest diversity of heritages in Wisconsin. Native Americans, Polish Americans, African Americans, Hmong Americans, and Yemeni Americans to name only a few are among the different peoples that call Milwaukee home. This is one of the great strengths of our community and our nation—that no matter where you come from, no matter your religion, you can build a better life for yourself and your children. This is the American Dream. It is our nation’s promise to the world, and our strongest virtue.

“It appears that these women may have been the targets of a hate crime because they were wearing hijabs. They were asked where they come from, and when they stood up for themselves they were assaulted. Committing a crime against anyone based on beliefs or perceptions of the victim’s race, religion, color, disability, sexual orientation, national origin, or ancestry, is a hate crime. If these allegations are substantiated in court, then the penalties for the crime committed will be enhanced depending on the severity of the underlying offense. We must all work together to stand against hate and end violence in our communities.”

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