Recall launched against Alameda County DA

District Attorney Pamela Price is facing a recall in Alameda County by opponents of her approach at reforming the criminal justice system.

The group, “Save Alameda for Everyone: Recall DA Price,” submitted an initial campaign financial filing this week.

Jim Ross, an East Bay political consultant, said “the recall process is lengthy and potentially costly. After filing its notice of intent, the campaign will have to gather more than 93,000 signatures — 10 percent of registered voters in the county — a task that may require funds from deep-pocketed donors.”

Qualifying the measure alone, he added, will likely cost more than a million dollars.

District Attorney Pamela Price, a former civil rights attorney, is the first African American woman to hold the office. She was elected last year. Her platform focused on rehabilitation, establishing a conviction integrity unit and the expansion of services for gun violence victims.

Price also vowed to reduce prison sentences and provide young offenders an alternative to incarceration.

But Price has several critics. They argue that her office has been too lenient in prosecutions, amid a recent surge in youth crime in Oakland.

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