Letters to the Editor: Aug. 13, 2023

Letter to the Editor

U.S. government has made reparations before

On July 16, the Telegram published three items about affirmative action. Reparations are mentioned. There are many examples of atrocities perpetrated by the government. These have had long-lasting effects on generations who suffer in many areas: social, economics, educational and health care, to name a few. Some groups received reparations from the government. Here are four.

In 1946, Congress created the Indian Claims Commission to study crimes against Native Americans. Over a billion dollars was appropriated to compensate for stolen lands, etc. An apology was issued in 2009.

Native Hawaiian people whose kingdom was abolished received reparations when Congress passed the Hawaiian Homes Commission in 1920. A land trust allowed the people to lease land for $1. An apology came in 1993.

Over 100,000 Japanese-Americans were interred in camps during World War II. In 1988, Congress passed legislation including reparations. Survivors received a letter of apology and a check for $20,000.

Over 600 Tuskegee Black men were duped into thinking they were receiving treatment for syphilis. This heinous crime resulted in the government being sued and having to pay $10,000,000 in reparations. An apology came in in 1997.

Note that the worst example of injustice, chattel slavery, has never been dealt with. Congress formed a committee to study reparations for slavery. Where is that going?

Those efforts to make restitutions have been weak!

Sister Joan Baustian, O.P.


MAGA Republicans – ‘Back the Blue until they come for you!’

The Republican Party has a long history of being “the law-and-order party.” They have always supported “The Thin Blue Line” that keeps society from descending into violent chaos. But the MAGA branch of the Republican Party seems to only “Back the Blue until they come for you!”

Jan. 6 was the perfect example of MAGA duplicity. On that day “violent chaos” was an opportunity. It served their purpose. It served their defeated president. That was all that mattered. It was madness with intent — overturn the election.

After that infamous day, the MAGA gang was unrepentant and chose to “double down.” They blamed the Capitol Police, complained of the political “weaponization” of the judicial system and compared the rioters with tourist groups. Essentially, they told us, “Don’t believe your lying eyes.”

As bad as it was, the insurrection was only the capstone of a wide-ranging, multistate effort to thwart the democratic process. Republican legislators in seven states, including Michigan, reportedly submitted “fake electors” falsely declaring that Trump had won their state. He had not.

Michigan is the first state to prosecute these faux electors with Attorney General Dana Nessel announcing recently that 16 people have been charged with felonies including conspiracy and election law forgery. She also announced that charges are being brought against the individuals who allegedly participated in an unauthorized “forensic” audit of voting machines.

Former state Rep. Daire Rendon and lawyer Matthew DePerno (recently defeated AG candidate) lead a list of defendants who will face felony criminal charges that include conspiracy and willfully damaging a voting machine. The tabulators came from Barry, Roscommon and Missaukee counties.

It turns out that the people, MAGA Republicans, who warned us about voting machines and election fraud were the ones that we had to worry about all the time. And the threat has not ended as many remain insolent. The party who condemned the actions of some to reform the police are now the ones suggesting that the FBI be abolished and U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland be impeached.

That does not sound like “law and order” to me.

Randall Rousselo

Roscommon, formerly of Tecumseh

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