George Soros’s prosecutors remain idle against criminals

Last month,

New York Times
reported that homicides have fallen by 10% in the past six months. While that is welcome news, it gives a false sense of security since other
across America’s cities, such as car theft and retail theft, continue to run rampant.

According to the Council on Criminal Justice, car theft has skyrocketed and has increased by more than 33% in the past year. Imagine walking into your garage or out of your home to find that some criminal brazenly violated and stole your
. Unfortunately, this is the reality for many. Last year, more than 1 million people had their cars stolen.


Making matters worse, the prosecutors supported and funded by George Soros, the men and women elected or appointed to uphold and enforce the law on behalf of victims, refuse to hold these criminals to account.

In San Francisco, for example,
District Attorney Brooke Jenkins
refused to pursue criminal charges against two suspected carjackers despite video evidence of the robbery and testimony from the victim whose car was stolen.

And in New York City, Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has downgraded the charges for a number of crimes, including theft, and vowed not to prosecute people who refuse to pay for their subway tickets. Yet when
ex-Marine Daniel Perry
had to stop a dangerous homeless man on the subway threatening other riders, he charged the good Samaritan with manslaughter.

These attorneys’ agendas come straight from Soros’s playbook. Soros has spent more than $40 million trying to elect nearly 75 prosecutors who will enact his so-called social justice agenda in which prosecutors either eliminate or push for very light sentencing against criminals instead of standing for the victim and justice.

I proudly serve on the Protecting Americans Action Fund Advisory Board with former U.S. Attorney General William Barr, Virginia Attorney General Jason Miyares, and others who believe we need prosecutors who will enforce our laws. Our mission is simple: We believe in our justice system, in which a prosecutor should prosecute, a defense attorney should defend, and a judge should judge. We aim to elect prosecutors who will fulfill this responsibility and replace the radical Left Soros-supported prosecutors who won’t.

Last year, the Protecting Americans Action Fund won more than 70% of the races we were involved with, including the district attorney race in Maricopa County, the largest county in Arizona, where we defeated Soros’s handpicked, anti-law enforcement, pro-criminal candidate.

As we look to the fall, we will be even more active, especially with local prosecutor races in New York, Pennsylvania, and Virginia, where we will work to elect candidates who know their job is to stand with the victim, not the criminal.

With the right prosecutors, we can ensure that those who steal a car from your driveway or walk into a small business intending to cause trouble are held accountable — and that justice will be served.


John J. Faso formerly served in Congress and the New York state legislature.

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