Empowering Entrepreneurs: LaRese Purnell’s Workshop Series Aims to…

On a brisk morning in Cleveland, a group of aspiring and established small-business owners gathered at Tri-C Corporate College East. Their purpose? To attend the first of a four-part workshop series spearheaded by LaRese Purnell, the Tri-C Entrepreneur-in-Residence. This initiative, more than just a series of meetings, represents a beacon of hope and a tool for empowerment for community businesses, particularly those owned by African Americans and other people of color.


A Blueprint for Success

The workshops, designed to cover a comprehensive range of topics including business structure, law, accounting, taxes, access to capital, investing, and insurance, aim to provide the essential tools needed for business success. Purnell, with a keen understanding of the challenges faced by first-generation business owners, emphasizes the importance of these resources. “It’s about laying down a foundation,” Purnell remarked, “so that these entrepreneurs can not only survive but thrive, creating generational wealth and strengthening their communities.” This initiative comes at a critical time, as according to the Pew Research Center, only about 3% of U.S. businesses are Black or African-American-owned.

Voices from the Community


The article also shines a light on the personal stories of local business owners like Miesha Wilson, who underscores the continuous learning curve and challenges of entrepreneurship. “Every day presents a new challenge,” Wilson shared, “but it’s through resources like this workshop that we find the strength and knowledge to overcome them.” Similarly, Robert Craig highlighted the invaluable role of mentors and community programs in navigating the often turbulent waters of business ownership. These testimonials not only underscore the challenges faced by small business owners but also the critical need for supportive frameworks and resources.

A Future of Prosperity

The series, while only in its infancy, has already begun to foster a sense of optimism among attendees. It’s a step towards not just individual success, but the upliftment of entire communities through entrepreneurship and homeownership. As Purnell and his team continue to guide these business owners, the hope is that this series will not only create a ripple effect of success across Cleveland but also serve as a model for other communities across the nation. In a world where small businesses play a crucial role in community engagement and improvement, initiatives like this are more than just workshops; they’re a pathway to a brighter, more prosperous future.

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