Downpayment Assistance Program has helped more than 300 Detroiters become homeowners; Round 2 coming in 2024

  • 314 DPA-assisted home closings already have taken place out of 385 approved applications
  • Program supported by $25M in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds, making the American Dream a reality for Detroiters.
  • Nearly 500 applications were received in 2023 cycle, which ended Dec 4; Applications for 2023 funding closed Dec. 4
  • Detroiters can visit today to learn how to prepare for Round 2 in 2024

More than 300 Detroiters have become first-time homeowners so far through Round 1 of the City of Detroit’s Downpayment Assistance Program (DPA), which closed Monday, December 4, city officials announced today. Another 76 approved Round 1 applicants are in the process of preparing to close on their new home.  

Round 2 of the DPA application process is expected to open in early 2024. Meanwhile, additional applications already received will continue to be processed until all Round 1 funds are exhausted.  Interested Detroiters can visit today to learn more about Round 2 in 2024.

Mayor Mike Duggan announced the DPA program in March 2023 to provide approximately 450 people with up to $25,000 in downpayment assistance to purchase their own home, using $12 million in funding from President Biden’s American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). The program has been available to low- and moderate-income earners currently renting a home who were able to afford a monthly mortgage payment but didn’t have enough savings for a downpayment.

Due to the overwhelming success of the program, Detroit City Council approved two amendments to double the original $6 million allocation, bringing the total Round 1 funding support first-time homebuyers to $12.25 million.

Highlights of Round 1 of the Down Payment Assistance program:

  • Nearly 500 applications were received in total.
  • 385 applications have been approved for funding, with 314 of those deals closed.
  • 93% of DPA recipients are African American.
  • All DPA participants lived in the City of Detroit for at least 12 months.
  • Applicants received an average of $24,400 in funding.
  • Average purchase price was $116,000.
  • Average household income was $47,810.
  • The average mortgage payment for participants was $912.

“There are a lot of Detroiters who are paying enough in rent to pay a mortgage, but just need some help with the downpayment costs,” said Mayor Duggan. “We created the downpayment assistance program so hundreds of Detroiters can kiss their landlord goodbye and have the security of owning their own home.”

City Housing officials say the program also strengthens neighborhoods.

“We are thrilled with the success of the Downpayment Assistance Program, and that so many Detroiters now have a house to call home,” Housing and Revitalization Department Director Julie Schneider said. “This program allows Detroiters to achieve housing stability through an investment that also brings vibrant neighborhoods. Congrats to the hundreds of Detroit who became homeowners in 2023!

The program is being implemented by National Faith Homebuyers, a Detroit-based nonprofit that since 1996 has assisted metro Detroiters in buying a house or staying in their homes, including down-payment assistance, first-time homebuyer counseling, and financial literacy programs.

“I am so pleased to see how so many Detroit families have already benefited from the downpayment assistance program,” said Dina Harris, founder and president of National Faith Homebuyers. “It is our honor to serve Detroiters, allowing them to put down roots and grow in our great city.”

The Ownership Initiative, a Black-owned impact advisory firm headquartered in Detroit, helped design the program. Founded by CEO Krysta Pate, The Ownership Initiative has helped create more than 30 initiatives across six states that have collectively deployed over $89 million into personal wealth building, affordable housing, and small-business empowerment opportunities.

“I am proud to help design such an empowering program with public and private stakeholders. Together, we’ve turned many Detroiters’ homeownership dreams into a reality, proving that when we unite for a common cause, success is not just a possibility – it’s a promise fulfilled. It is always a pleasure to serve my hometown,” said Pate.

What interested homebuyers can do heading into 2024

While funding for 2023 has come to an end, there are several steps Detroiters can take right now to secure their dream home when the program reopens in 2024:

  • Register for a homebuyer education class. Resource links can be found through the website below, including information on nonprofit partners that offer various homebuyer support through the Detroit Housing Network
  • One-on-one financial coaching around improving credit, debt reduction, and increasing savings through the Detroit Financial Empowerment Center.
  • Find a lender of your choice and determine your home-buying budget and discuss the preapproval process.
  • Contact a realtor to find a property and be prepared to make an offer when the DPA program reopens in 2024.

A list of resources and links regarding education courses, participating lenders and much more can be found at

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