Clarissa Williams

providing the community a trusted resource to plan for the future

Clarissa WilliamsPhotography by Renee Fisher with Lasting Impressions by Lucy • Hair/Makeup by Latasha Walker with Turning Heads Hair Studio

Can you share the story behind your business and what inspired you to start it? How does it align with your personal values and the needs of your community?

I went into the insurance business after being in social work for 15 years. I have always been the “resource person” for my friends. I would identify solutions and services for my friends all of the time (which gave me the idea of comprehensive resource offerings). So when I turned to the idea of becoming an insurance producer, I decided to offer more than just insurance products but to offer services like tax preparation, EIN creation, business state registrations and pretty much anything that a person, family or business owner would require, creating and protecting futures. My belief is that a person should be protected and prepared in their futures.

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In what ways does your business contribute to the economic empowerment and advancement of the Black community? Can you highlight any specific initiatives or partnerships that promote diversity and inclusion?

My business contributes to the economic empowerment and advancement of the black community by providing accessibility of the resources, products and education to create, protect and prepare for the future. I have planning meetings with my clients to identify their goals for their financial future. I have partnered with the Jackson Madison County African American Chamber of Commerce, Eagle’s Nest Services and Phase II Adult Reentry (with individuals, families) conducting planning meeting to help identify ways to protect their income, grow income and save for the future. Those meetings involve preparing for life’s uncertainties and deal with everyday risks, protecting income/assets planning for life in general. My focus is given to the black community because generally information and resources don’t filter to our community as fast. It is my mission to make sure our community’s financial futures are protected.

How have you overcome challenges and obstacles as a Black business owner? Are there any lessons or strategies you’ve learned along the way that you believe would benefit other aspiring entrepreneurs?

One challenge I have had to overcome is trying to do everything myself. It is ok to delegate responsibilities to other people. We can’t do everything ourselves. I have learned to obtain a very capable assistant and let it go. Another challenge has been making time for me. Again, we can’t do everything. Mental well-being is very important for the growth of your business too.

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In what ways do you prioritize and support other Black-owned businesses? Do you actively seek out collaborations and partnerships within the Black business community? If so, how have these relationships impacted your own growth and success?

I joined the JMCAAC so I could have more interactions with Black owned businesses. I also buy black first. I believe in purchasing from my black owned businesses first. I also encourage all my clients and friends to do the same. I have responsibilities with the JMCAAC that enable me to work along with a Board of Directors and a Executive Director to put more things (resources, trainings and information) that will help black business owners to grown and develop those skills to help them increase their revenue. I feel that doing these things assist in the growth of my community-the black community.

How do you envision the future of Black entrepreneurship, and what role do you see your business playing in that future? Are there any particular goals or aspirations you have for your business that are aligned with uplifting the Black community?

I envision more black entrepreneurs as we go into the future-younger entrepreneurs and more and more establish, stabled businesses. My aspirations for my company is to be the source for those black business owners, for those black families, for black women-so EVERY person in the black community will be financially fit —Black Wall Street once more. Each year my goal is to reach and teach more black business owners how to protect their futures. I have been working on a women’s group that will cater to create more black women business owners stay in business and build their revenues.

For more information and interviews for Black Business Month, click here.

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