Black Business Profile: CreativeLee DeeSigned

Lee-Ann Davidson, a former accountant and immigrant from the Caribbean island of Grenada, left her 9-to-5 job in early 2022 to focus on starting and expanding her business full-time. Photo by Janelle Ward/The Atlanta Voice

Lee-Ann Davidson is the owner of CreativeLee DeeSigned, a jewelry company selling custom-made pieces inspired by Davidson’s heritage, creativity and love for articulating what makes her unique. A former accountant and immigrant from the Caribbean island of Grenada, Davidson dropped her 9-to-5 job in early 2022 to focus on starting and expanding her business full-time.

Davidson first developed an interest in designing jewelry as a kid, and as a mother of twins and a twin herself, Davidson relies on her craft to express her individuality. The company, named after Davidson and her sister, Dee-Ann, has a goal of creating and selling pieces that aren’t just eye-catching, but also harbor sentimental value. To do so, on top of selling jewelry she designs herself, Davidson also allows her customers to preserve their own treasured memories into accessories by encasing them in resin upon request through her “customer-to-artist” operation.

The Atlanta Voice spoke with Lee-Ann about her venture, how she became involved with jewelry-making in the first place, giving back to her community and what it means to operate a small business in place of manning a corporate job.

Atlanta Voice: How did you learn to preserve flowers into jewelry, and what made you want to start your own small business selling them?

Lee-Ann Davidson: As an immigrant, I moved here from the Caribbean — Grenada. I was always creative — using old things to make new. As a kid, I would ask my mom for her old jewelry, break them apart, and put them [back] together. Because I’m a twin, I always liked to be an individual and show my individuality. So, this is my individuality on display.

AV: When did you start this business?

LD: I started this on February 22, 2022, after I gave up my corporate job as an accountant. I decided to follow my passion as a creator and artist, and here we are today.

AV: What influenced you to ditch your corporate job and pursue this as a full-time [venture]?

 LD: I think the feedback from my customers — that they’re so in love with what I make and it’s different, and it’s individual, and it makes them stand out in a crowd — I think that’s what keeps me going. And it doesn’t feel like work a day in my life.

AV: What are some long-term goals that you have for your business?

 LD: My long-term goals are to give 10% of my profit back to my community. Anyone trying to start a business, I help them with marketing tools, like business cards, signs, and I get them at a discounted price. I use 10% of my profit to [acquire resources].

AV: What advice do you have for anyone who’s sick of working their corporate job, wants to finally jump ship and start their own thing, but might be scared to for financial reasons?

 LD: Don’t stop right away. Make sure you have a cushion that you can fall back on. But once you put all of your energy into something that you love, that energy is going to come back to you, and you won’t miss your 9-to-5 a day in your life.

Lee-Ann sells merchandise on CreativeLee DeeSigned’s website and in person at the weekly Saturday Market events hosted by Artists & Fleas inside Ponce City Market. Keep up with her business further on Facebook and TikTok.

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