At the Races: Anti-woke appropriating

Walker donors want cash back: Former Georgia Senate candidate Herschel Walker still has a campaign war chest totaling nearly $4.5 million, and The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports that some of his donors want refunds.

‘The Humiliation of Ron DeSantis’: That’s the title of The Atlantic’s scathing look at the state of the Florida governor’s presidential campaign. “He promised to run as Trump plus an attention span, and instead he is running as Trump minus jokes,” the piece states.

Voices from Iowa: PBS NewsHour recently held a focus group with two-time Trump voters from Iowa to hear about their hopes and concerns for the nation. Many believe the country is headed in the wrong direction. “It almost feels a little bit like a civil war,” one participant said. 

Fetterman feature: TIME caught up with Sen. John Fetterman, D-Pa., and his wife, Gisele Barreto Fetterman, who granted the magazine extensive access for a cover story. “My message is, I don’t care if you’re a Trumper, MAGA, or hard leftist, or anyone in between. Depression comes across the spectrum, and get help with it,” the senator said.

The count: 16 percent

That’s the share of U.S. adults, despite widespread dissatisfaction with Biden and Trump being the only potential options for the White House, who said they would definitely or probably vote for a Manchin-Huntsman third-party ticket for president next year, according to a new Monmouth University poll. While pollster Patrick Murray said the findings were “still very much in the realm of hypotheticals,” the survey found slightly more Republican voters backed the ticket than Democrats. But support for a generic third-party ticket was higher than one with specific names, especially when the potential spoiler effect such a vote could have on either Trump or Biden was mentioned.

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