American dream is under threat

The Supreme Court of the U.S. has interpreted free speech amendment as license to discriminate against a class or classes of people.

By choosing to make the decision to harm a relatively small minority group in society — same-sex couples — the court has provided an obvious opening for businesses to systematically discriminate against groups of all kinds.

Decent people shudder.

Free speech/religious freedom was determined to permit a wedding-planning business to deny service to same sex couples.

The basis of the decision contends the denial of business service represents protected religious free speech opposition to the idea of same-sex marriage.

The logical consequence of this perspective could justify a white nationalist hair dresser/ business owner who expresses belief that white people should not mix with other races when she bans others from participating with her business on the basis their entry represents de facto speech by them opposing her beliefs.

Or a Muslim restaurateur who wishes to serve only non-infidels.

Or a Jewish banker who believes God only wants Caucasians to receive credit.

Or an African-American musician who believes she should never perform for the oppressor race so denies ticket sales to Caucasians.


Is this our future, allowing bigoted social elements to segregate our citizens into isolated oppositional sects?

How can we live the American dream under such a threat?

Michael Shivers, M.D.


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