RALEIGH, N.C. (Ivanhoe Newswire) – It should be one of the happiest times in a woman’s life, but for some it can be one of the most life-threatening. Black women have the highest maternal mortality rate in the U.S., almost three times the rate for white women. And according to the CDC, Black babies are more likely to die and more likely to be born premature. That’s why some expecting Black moms are now turning to Black doulas to help ensure their own safety, and the safety of their unborn child.
Healthy now, but before giving birth to little Asa, Jordyne Blaise was worried—she had seen the headline.
“Quite frankly, I was scared. I also was pregnant at an advanced maternal age, so I had just turned 36,” said Asa’s mom, Jordyne.
Doula Ste’keira Shepperson believes systemic racism in the medical field is partially to blame. That’s why she created Triangle Doulas of Color.
“Essentially what it boils down to is having a doula that’s from the same community or cultural background as you,” explained Ste’keria. She believes doulas are often misunderstood.
“One big myth about doulas would be that doulas are only for a natural unmedicated birth because doulas can support any type of birth. A lot of people get confused about doulas and midwives, and so that is a big misconception that we do the same thing. A doula is a non-medical support person, whereas a midwife is clinical support,” explained Ste’Keria.
Jordyne believes Ste’keria was instrumental in helping her during delivery.
“We had got toward the end of labor, and Asa was taking a while to move down the birth canal. And Ste’keria looked at me and said, ‘Okay, are you okay if we work on some positions to move her down?’ And I said, ‘Yes, I’m willing’,” said Ste’keria.
By the time the doctor returned, they were able to help baby Asa move into the correct position, and Jordyne was able to have a natural, safe birth.
Ste’keria’s team of doulas have helped to deliver more than 300 babies since 2018 and can support moms through every aspect of having a child. From before birth, through labor and after going home. Hiring a doula can cost from a $1,000 to $2,000. And although it’s not usually covered by insurance, there are some Medicaid plans that are beginning to cover the costs.
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