Tiny, li’l powerhouse: Black garlic unveils realm of potential health benefits, check out

By Express News Service

KOCHI: In the realm of culinary pleasures, black garlic has emerged as a captivating and globally cherished ingredient, transcending cultural borders and enchanting the palates of food enthusiasts. Black garlic is born through the natural ageing of whole garlic under controlled conditions, where high temperature and humidity are dependent, for several days.

The transformation happens without the addition of artificial elements. The Maillard and Browning reactions give the garlic’s distinctive dark hue and a delightful spongy, chewy texture. Ageing of garlic comes with its own set of benefits. Besides increasing the level of functional compounds in it, the method also eliminates its pungency and spicy flavour, giving a sour-sweet taste with better nutritional value.

Beyond its culinary appeal, black garlic unveils a realm of potential health benefits. Rich in antioxidants, it becomes a warrior against free radicals, supporting cellular health and mitigating oxidative stress. It also manages weight, controls blood sugar, and prevents cancer. As the world embraces this culinary treasure, black garlic continues its status as a flavourful and nutritious addition to a well-rounded lifestyle.

(Info Courtesy:Spices Board)

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