Political elders and seniors


African American and African families have a long history of respecting their elders. All of us have gone to Grandma and Grandpa at some time to give us answers to life questions that no one else could give.

Sending the elders of today to assisted senior living facilities or nursing homes is more of a rule than an exception.

President Joe Biden was a disappointment at the first presidential debate in 2024. 

The imperialist press around the world quickly described Biden’s performance as a disaster. I say: Something was wrong with Biden. Perhaps he had a cold and was on medication or, maybe, the very high pollination in Atlanta caused him to be congested and coughing.

To me, Biden just had a “senior moment.’’ Everyone over 70 years old knows exactly what a senior moment is.

Trumpers and other haters suggest that Biden’s four years of presidential leadership and accomplishments should be forgotten and discarded, and a poor performance for 90 minutes is more important and telling than outstanding accomplishments in American infrastructure, increases in jobs and manufacturing, and increased government spending in climate change.

Biden is no friend of mine, but I’m so happy he worked to discharge my daughter’s student debt which helped her tremendously.

Biden and the Black vote

African Americans should be glad to vote for Biden if he has to be rolled onto the stage at the next debate in a wheelchair or on a gurney!   

Why? If Biden is unable or unwilling to completely serve a four-year term, guess who will become president? Smart Blacks know Vice President Kamala Harris will become president and a favorite to win re-election in the 2028 presidential race.

Biden’s “senior moment” at the first debate was discussed by media companies all over the world but Biden’s strong and informative comments the very next day in North Carolina were pretty much ignored.

If Biden stays in the race, he will get the most African American votes.

Don’t believe the Republican hype about Blacks supporting a white nationalist, white supremacist, convicted felon, sexual harasser, and a puppet of foreign dictators.

But Biden and other Democratic candidates do have serious election problems.  

If Democrats can’t get 50% of base supporters to cast ballots, winning might be a problem. A 20 or 30% turnout of Black voters will not be enough to offset the efforts of white, male MAGA Democrats who will love, support, and vote for a political liar. 

In closing, I must warn you, the use of 1950 tactics in 2024 will hurt Biden and other Democratic candidates, and the idea that “any Negro will do” must be discarded and abandoned.

Old and right are always better than false and wrong.

Respect elders and senior citizens.         

Lucius Gantt can be reached at www.allworldfinancialgroup.com. The views expressed in this commentary do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Florida Courier.

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