Newsom helps California go broke over reparations

California does not have the money to pay for many of its budget items, but Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA) found millions to set aside for the woke industrial complex.

California is putting $12 million toward slavery reparations, even as the state is still dealing with a $45 billion budget deficit. California was not a slave state, and slavery ended 159 years ago, but that hasn’t stopped Newsom and other California Democrats from spending the last few years pandering to activists and black voters with proposed bribes, discrimination against non-black Californians, and making some crimes legal.

This would be irresponsible even if it were being debated in a slave state, which California is not. It would be irresponsible if it were being debated in a state that isn’t in a $45 billion budget hole, which California is. California is the last state that should be having any conversation about “reparations” for slavery that didn’t happen in the state a century and a half ago, and yet this is what Newsom is putting taxpayer dollars toward when he isn’t running around as the Democratic Party’s 2024 presidential mascot.


Worse still, you can predict more will be spent by Newsom. He is already being shamed by activists for this “low” amount of $12 million. The state’s original reparations proposal came out to $800 billion, nearly three times the state’s budget. California burned a $100 billion budget surplus in just a few years, is left with a $45 billion budget deficit now, and Newsom is still beholden to the kinds of activists who insist that the state should bankrupt itself based on a tortured critical race theory-inspired reading of history.

Newsom is without a doubt the worst governor in the country, driving what should be the nation’s best state into the ground and doing so with the arrogant attitude of a man who still has his eyes set on one day becoming president. These reparations stunts are only going to make life worse for everyday Californians, who are already being punished by the excessive taxes that Newsom is going to use to pay off the activists to whom he answers.

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