Never Again Is Now: Sports world needs to take a stand on morality, not hide behind politics

With so much to say, there is not enough being said. It has become too common to conflate antisemitism with criticism of the state of Israel. This has enabled sports organizations and individuals to stay silent with respect to condemning the actions of Hamas terrorists and standing with the Jewish people and Israel, and instead hide behind the “complexities” or “politicization” of the issues. Let’s be very clear: The issue of the day is a moral one — NOT a political one. This is not a day for debating the role of politics in sports — but a day to stand united against evil.

As I reflect on the past week’s events led by the Hamas terrorist attacks in Israel on innocent civilians, I wanted to share with my professional community one Jewish sports executive’s perspective. 

Over the past week:

  • I watched in horror the kidnapping, rapes and murders of babies, women, and elderly by Hamas terrorists of not just Israelis but of other innocent civilians from around the world.  
  • I witnessed antisemitic protests in major cities and universities that celebrated the death of Jewish civilians, making Jews feel endangered in daily lives all over the world.
  • I struggled to find words to explain what was happening to my young children and why we were debating whether to send them to school and soccer practice on a day being called a “Global Day of Jihad.”
  • And I educated others on how to not be silent and stand against terrorism, antisemitism, and hate — all principles I thought were clearly moral wrongs and didn’t require explanation, but for some reason were a battle that at times I lost.

This series of events has filled me with fear for my family’s safety, devastation for all innocent lives lost and disappointment at the degree of antisemitism in our 2023 world. As a granddaughter of Holocaust survivors, I never imagined that I would be facing similar hatred in the United States in this era. I was raised feeling grateful to live in the United States and in a time where Israel had cemented its right to exist. My grandparents and education ingrained in me that silence was a major cause of the Holocaust, and yet I never felt the urgent need to be so vocal in support of the Jewish community and Israel — until now, as the threat is real — Never Again is Now. 

I watched cautiously as various sports leagues, teams, athletes, and others across the industry made statements condemning the Hamas terrorist attacks and supporting Israel and the Jews. There are also moments of silence and acts of unity that are being demonstrated at this week’s games.

Yet, the silence was also deafening from the organizations that chose not to publicly take a stand of support. For example, at last count, in the days after the attack only about half of NFL teams released a statement (although a leaguewide moment of silence was imposed during this past week’s games). FIFA failed to make any public comment, but instead wrote letters to both the Israel and Palestine Football Associations referencing the “horrendous violence” and their position to stand in solidarity with the innocent Palestinian and Israeli victims. There was no condemnation of Hamas as a terrorist organization and a clear absence of a moral position to stand against hate and antisemitism. Furthermore, in speaking with several sports executives about their respective statements, it was shared that there was major resistance across organizations to publicly condemn the terrorist attacks and stand with the Jewish people and Israel. And for those who did make statements or take action, the backlash by fans on social media and in venues was unfathomably fierce. A moment of silence felt like a compromise for many organizations, but one that still fails to take a stand against the immoral actions of terrorists.

So, I continue to ask myself WHY IS IT SO HARD? Why is it so difficult for individuals to stand with Israel and the Jewish people? We see it with schools, universities, our friends, and in our world, sports organizations. There wasn’t the same resistance when these organizations supported Ukraine or Black Lives Matter — as they rightfully and unequivocally focused on standing on the moral ground against all forms of racism and oppression. The Jewish community stood alongside and supported these groups without question and now is devastated to see the hate and lack of compassion. Furthermore, these were attacks not only against the Jews and Israel but also the ideals of democracy and Americans. The Jewish community is questioning whether the response would have been different had these attacks occurred on American soil. Terrorism is not constrained by territories.

What the world needs to see and hear from the powerful sports platforms is clear denunciation of any forms of hate, antisemitism and terror. Jews need to see your support, and the rest of the world needs to know that silence is not an option when standing against terror and hate. The debate over political issues should be saved for another day (and maybe never within a sports platform), but let’s be clear that whatever the divide is on the political issues they should never serve as a justification for the actions of the Hamas terrorists against the innocent.

Sports have the unique advantage of uniting people and community. Let’s not be silent. Let’s not be passive — but rather take sports’ special powers and aim to build solidarity around channeling efforts toward peace for all, including Palestinians and Israelis. Moreover, education is key: Let’s put resources toward educating our staff, players, partners and fans so that the future is equipped with the necessary knowledge with which to form opinions.

As New York Mayor Eric Adams said in a speech last week: “Your fight is my fight. That swastika not only displays the pain of antisemitism, it displays the pain of racism among many African Americans. You marched with us with Dr. King. You stood with us with all the fights we have. And I’m saying we’re going to stand with you and stand united together.”

While the days get darker and situation murkier, let’s not forget the focus on advocating for taking a strong moral stand against hatred and terrorism. I pray and grieve for all the victims of violence. Let’s stand united.

Heather Brooks Karatz has over 20 years of experience as a sports executive working across numerous sides of the sports industry, including with leagues, teams, agencies and media companies. She has held senior leadership positions in business development, legal, strategy, and operations, including as president of the LA Wildcats (XFL) and EVP/general counsel for the team that launched LAFC and constructed BMO Stadium. She is an owner in Angel City Football Club, was named a Woman of Inspiration by WISE, and is a 2022 Sports Business Journal Game Changers honoree.

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