MAGAs constantly complain about being crushed by “Cancel Culture.”

They won’t admit it but the Right tries to do the same thing by penalizing anyone they think is too “woke.”  They tried to get Gen Milley fired because he said he wanted to understand Marxism and White Supremacy — even if he disagreed with it — and that he supported the concepts of Critical Race Theory and having an open and diverse military.

“How dare he?”

They tried to cancel any media project that has a female protagonist that dares to criticize or ridicule the ruling patriarchy – like Bree Larson in Captain Marvel and The Marvels, Senequa Martin-Green and Michelle Yeoh in Star Trek: Discovery, or Margot Robbie in Barbie.

Obviously, saying that the patriarchy is bad – is a bridge too far. 

In fact, this outrage has healthily supported a huge assortment of toxic mansplaining men’s rights content creators who go on and on about what’s wrong with Feminism and the Whamins.

     Andrew Tate, the professional fighter-turned media personality who earned the ire and admiration of millions with his viral rants about male dominance, female submission and wealth, is everywhere these days.  

     It doesn’t matter that the so-called “alpha-male” podcaster, who openly advocates violence against women, has been banned from every major social media platform, or that he was kicked off the TV show “Big Brother” for violent and hateful behavior and had his house raided as part of an ongoing human trafficking investigation (he told Fox News’ Tucker Carlson he was the victim of a swatting attempt).  

     His ideas have already taken root in the minds of countless young men who see him as a role model of masculinity. Before it was taken down, his TikTok account racked up about 11.6 billion views.  Social media spaces dedicated to teaching have featured accounts of students as young as middle schoolers parroting his diatribes and harassing female classmates.  Rashes of sexual harassment in schools in the UK and Australia have also been blamed on Tate’s influence.  

     He’s not the only one, either. So-called male supremacist views have surged on TikTok and podcasting platforms, with personalities ranting about the rights of “high value” or “hypermasculine” men – those that they define as wealthy, confident, influential, sexually dominant and entitled to subservience from women.  

To be honest, I think people such as this deserve to be canceled, but that’s up to the marketplace of ideas to determine.

Those are decisions made by the public and by corporations, but It’s only those on the Right, who are trying to use government to take the ability to choose and freedom away from people.   They support the government banning books if they deign to admit that LGBTQ people even exist, if they tell the accurate story of Native, Latino and Black America, Genocide, Slavery and ongoing Racism, or if they criticize Corporate power and dominance with “dangerous” ideas such as collective effort, social or climate justice.

They’re reporting School Librarians to Law Enforcement because a 17-year-old girl checked out a book.

Two right-wing Moms for Liberty members have been reporting Florida school librarians to law enforcement for distributing books they consider to be “pornography.”

Jennifer Tapley, a member of the Santa Rosa County chapter of the right-wing group and a candidate for the local school board, called the sheriff’s office Oct. 25 to report something “really disgusting” she had seen while scrolling through Facebook, and she later gave an interview to deputies with Tom Gurski, another member of the group, reported Popular Information.


Gurski told investigators that a 17-year-old girl had checked out the popular young adult novel, Storm and Fury, by Jennifer L. Armentrout, which he described as pornographic.

They ultimately were unable to persuade the sheriff’s office to open an investigation, but Gurski says he convinced the Milton police department to initiate an investigation into his report on another young adult novel, Naomi and Ely’s No Kiss List, by Rachel Cohn and David Levithan, and officers then referred the complaint to the state attorney’s office for review.

Storm and Fury is part of a series and is listed on Amazon with 4.5 stars as being a “Fantasy Romance” and “Dark Fantasy” and is compared favorably with the Harry Potter series — it is not listed as being “pornographic” or X-rated.  These people have had Pulitzer Prize-winning novels such as To Kill a Mocking Bird, Beloved, Animal Farm and The Color Purple pulled from Schools and Public Libraries.

[As I stated in the comments, I think that this should be done under the reverse standard. We should restrict younger children from pornography or extreme sexual content of course.  But what about mild content for a 16 or 17-year-old?  I think there should be parental approval required, just like whether a student can go on a school trip.  If you don’t want your child exposed to controversial content then you don’t have to give consent, you shouldn’t get to complain and block that content from *everyone else’s children*.  That’s not parental rights, it’s censorship.]

People like this think the idea of even discussing reparations for genocide, race riots, massacres, Redlining, Racial covenants, debt peonage, involuntary servitude, hate crimes, lynchings, police violence, bias in the criminal justice system and job, housing and loan discrimination are simply a laughable joke “Get A Job” they say.

On Sunday, Newsmax host Lidia Curanaj asked McCaughey about Rep. Jamaal Bowman’s (D-NY) call for greater dialog on reparations.

“I mean, all they care about is giving away our money,” Curanaj scoffed.

“It was a long time ago,” McCaughey agreed. “We’re sorry if you’re still worried about it. Go get a job.”

“Leave our money alone,” Curanaj added.

“We’ve got a lot of job openings in America,” McCaughey concluded.

They support the government implementing a whitewashed curriculum of indoctrination into jingoist nationalism for our schools, romanticizing our Founding Father’s ideals while ignoring how often we’ve failed to live up to them both in the past and the present.

While appearing on Fox News Sunday, Bream noted that Johnson had been accused of being “wildly out of step” with Americans on birth control, in which 92 percent of Americans say it’s morally acceptable, according to a 2022 Gallup poll.

“He supported bans that would not only criminalize abortion, but ban IVF treatments and common forms of birth control and that you voted against access to contraception,” Bream said, quoting EMILYs List, a political action committee aimed at electing women who support abortion rights. “Is that an accurate assessment of where you are? Because that’s not in step with the American people.”

Johnson then reiterated his stance in his response, “I’m pro-life. I’ve said very clearly I’m a Bible-believing Christian. I believe in the sanctity of every single human life.”

However, when asked by Bream on whether he voted against fertility treatments and access to contraception, Johnson said, “I don’t think so. I’m not sure what they’re talking about. I really don’t remember any of those.”

Despite Johnson’s response, his previous efforts in implementing anti-abortion laws and restricting access to contraception remain significant for critics as he voted against the Right to Contraception Act, which would protect access to birth control. It was passed in the House in July 2022.

They support blocking the government from preventing private discrimination on the basis of gender identification and sexual preference for “religious reasons” — whether that is refusing to bake a cake, building a website, or blocking a teenager from appropriate mental and physical healthcare that would prevent them from killing themselves.

Gender-affirming care is a valid, science-backed method of medicine that saves lives and that research shows results in better mental health outcomes, despite many states rolling back (or reconsidering) rights for transgender youth. Concerns about care are primarily targeted at kids, though can involve adults too.

They tied to fucking Cancel Bud Light because they dared to use a Trans spokesperson one time. Now, that is being god damned intolerant.

They support the government allowing pharmacists to block access to medicine – also for “religious reasons.” They support all this religious exceptionalism and claim the separation of Church and State is a “myth” while ignoring that Congress is prohibited from establishing *any* religion at all.

They support Tommy Tuberville using his position in the Senate to punish our military by holding back their promotions in order to force pregnant service members to pay out of pocket to travel for reproductive care when they don’t have a choice if they happened to be stationed in an anti-reproductive rights State.

And they refuse to explain exactly why everyone else has to live by their religious dogma.  Why exactly do their religious rights override everyone else rights and freedom? In every way they can think of, they’re willing to use the government to enforce their cultural preferences and cancel the cultural and social choices they don’t like.  

In every way they stand against freedom for women, the freedom to be LGBTQ, the freedom to be Black, Latino, Muslim, Sikh, Hindu or Athiest. They support the government allowing corporations to forcibly control and limit worker pay and benefits without their ability to bargain collectively for a better deal.

Then as government revenues drop due to the cuts they argue that average people should make up the difference by accepting cuts to their Medicare and Social Security.

     In one of his first moves after being elected House speaker, Mike Johnson promised to form a bipartisan debt commission to tackle what he termed “the greatest threat to our national security.”  

     The announcement sent shivers down the spines of advocates for Social Security and Medicare.  

     That’s because when Johnson chaired the Republican Study Committee a few years ago, the conservative group called for a variety of changes to the entitlement programs that it argued would save them from insolvency. And the speaker now intends to address the ballooning spending on Social Security and Medicare as part of the debt commission, according to a source familiar with his office. Johnson said last week he will “not predetermine the outcome” of the commission’s discussions.

And then they complain they’re being “Canceled” when everyone else says they disagree with all that and voluntarily choose not to be associated with or endorse any of it.

They want no one to have a choice.  They want everyone to be *forced* to follow their cultural, financial and social doctrine – or else – and also not be allowed to complain about it, or even *know* about it.

And then they have the all-fired fucking nerve to call themselves “The Party of Freedom.” Freedom for who besides them?

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