The Champaign-Urbana Reparations Coalition has invited Robin Rue Simmons to speak about taking “action steps towards reparations” for Black community members. Simmons is a former alderman for the City of Evanston, where she helped pass the nation’s first reparations legislation funded by a municipality (our Editorial Board wrote about this topic soon after). She founded the organization FirstRepair, which has a mission to “educate and equip leaders, stakeholders, and allies who are advancing local reparations policies that remedy historic and ongoing anti-Black practices.”
The event will take place November 16th at 7 p.m. at New Covenant Fellowship in Champaign. State Representative Carol Ammons will be in attendance as well. It’s free and open to anyone, and you can RSVP here.
Reparations in Action: Uniting for Change
New Covenant Fellowship
124 W White Street
November 16th, 7 p.m.