Jamaal Bowman rings the alarm on reparations for slavery

Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) thinks the country has a “moral and legal” responsibility to pay reparations. The same bastion of morality who pulled a fire alarm in Congress to disrupt a spending bill vote last year believes the country has an ethical obligation to spend trillions of dollars as compensation for an institution that ended over 150 years ago. It’s radical left-wing propaganda of the perpetually aggrieved class the DEI Democrats have created in the country.

The New York socialist sounded the alarm on the matter because of his sponsorship of H.R. 414. The bill, introduced in May 2023, declared the “United States has a moral and legal obligation to provide reparations for the enslavement of Africans and its lasting harm on the lives of millions of black people in the United States.” It also comes with a $14 trillion price tag.

“Whereas to meet the international legal obligation of reparations, the Federal Government must compensate descendants of enslaved Black people and people of African descent in the United States to account for the harms of chattel slavery, the cumulative damages of enslavement, and the epochs of legal and de facto segregation United States has a moral and legal obligation to provide reparations for the enslavement of Africans and its lasting harm on the lives of millions of Black people in the United States,” the bill reads.

It’s the exact kind of hyperbolic hysteria that the DEI Democrats have made an integral part of their political platform. Their objective is to create a permanent class of the perpetually aggrieved to maintain and advance political power. It’s the same playbook the Left has used for over a century.

Larry Elder, talk show host, political candidate, and author of As Goes California: My Mission to Rescue the Golden State and Save the Nation, is a frequent commentator on race relations in the country and the tactics the DEI Democrats use to keep the nation divided. He also believes there is no need for reparations.

“Reparations is the extraction of money from people who were never slaveholders to be given to people who were never slaves,” Elder told me. “The whole thing is absurd, divisive and offensive.”

The former presidential and gubernatorial candidate offered some advice for the fire-alarm-pulling socialist on how to really help people in the black community. It centered more on individual responsibility than trillion-dollar government handouts.


“If Bowman really cared about the ‘black community,’ he’d try to address the epidemic of fatherlessness, particularly acute in the black community,” Elder said. “And he’d champion school choice for urban America where, for example, there are 13 public high schools in Baltimore, all in the inner city, where 0% of the students are proficient in math.”

But whether the total was $14 trillion or $1,400, reparations for slavery is extremist left-wing propaganda meant to keep the stench of an institution that ended over 150 years ago solely to cause racial strife and division in the 21st century. The DEI Democratic radicals who support reparations use it to fuel the rage of racial discontent and stoke resentment and division. It’s also meant to distract from the repeated cataclysmal failures of the policies of DEI Democrats that have routinely left racial minorities behind without any legitimate chances at social mobility.

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