Inside plan for Aussies to pay billions in reparations for COLONIALISM

A Greens proposal to force Australians to cough up billions of dollars in reparations for climate change and ‘colonialism’ – and tax ‘large’ family inheritances – has been slammed as ‘crazy’.

Documents on the party’s website outline a little known economic agenda that would heavily impact younger generations, who already face exorbitant rent and property prices, comparatively low wages, and inflated HECS repayments.

According to the documents, the party has reimagined the idea of an inheritance tax – traditionally unpopular in Australia – and rebranded it as a ‘dynastic wealth transfer’ tax.

New taxes would also apply to financial gifts, such as house deposits from parents to children who are unable to save money faster than the rising property prices.

Further plans include $4.5billion for ‘climate reparations’ and ‘the ongoing impacts and legacy of colonialism’.

‘As a wealthy, colonial country, Australia has a responsibility to contribute its fair share of aid, and pay reparations for its role in the climate crisis and the ongoing damage caused by western imperialism,’ the policy agenda read. 

The funds would be provided to a program named Official Development Assistance, which is run by the Department of Foreign Affairs and trade. It is unclear how exactly the funds would be linked to western imperialism.

The party also outlines plans to wipe all debt owed to Australia in the hope that it would inspire other countries to follow suit.

Greens leader Adam Bandt is pictured with his partner Claudia Perkins during the Federal Parliamentary Press Gallery Midwinter Ball in the Great Hall at Parliament House

Pictured: People in Sydney protesting at an Invasion Day rally on January 26

Critics say the proposals – which were taken to the last election and are still on the party’s website – go well beyond its agenda pushing environmentalist causes, renter-focused housing policy and sympathy to Palestine.

Opposition defence spokesman Andrew Hastie told Daily Mail Australia: ‘The Greens continue to prove they are extreme, not green.

‘The crazy economic policies of the modern-day Greens pose a grave threat to Australia. Their extreme agenda is detrimental to our way of life.

‘Most concerning though, is their passion to disrupt social cohesion and tear down institutions which are vital to our prosperity, security and international partnerships.’

He said the modern Greens party is a far cry from the environmental group Bob Brown founded in 1992.

The documents, under the heading ‘climate finance and reparations,’ say that Australia ‘must provide climate finance and reparations to affected countries and communities’.

They also state that Australia’s level of aid must be ‘commensurate with our historical and ongoing contribution to the climate crisis,’ but does not expand on the idea.

The site also states that debts other countries owe Australia are ‘the unjust result of colonialism and imperialism’. It does not identify which countries whose debt Australia would wipe.

‘The Greens will cancel all of Australia’s bilateral debt and ensure we are a strong and principled advocate for global debt cancellation. 

‘By unconditionally cancelling repayment of these debts, Australia would signal its clear intent to advocate for wider debt cancellation.’ 

A Greens spokesperson told Daily Mail Australia the dynastic tax, climate change and colonial reparations policies were ideas it took to the 2022 election, and do not necessarily reflect its current beliefs.

However, the party is yet to release its plans for the upcoming election, which is expected before May next year, and quite possibly earlier, given a recent Albanese government ministerial reshuffle. 

The significance of Greens’ policies is particularly heightened this year with polls showing Anthony Albanese’s Labor party is quite likely to be returned to power with a hung Parliament.

That could force Mr Albanese to strike a deal with the Greens, crossbenchers or both in order to form a minority government – much as Julia Gillard did in 2010.  

The 2022 policies remain readily available on the party’s website under the first menu tab, which is called ‘Our Plan’.

Greens leader Adam Bandt told Daily Mail Australia the party will put forward a plan to tax the wealthy, rather than taking money from the average young Australians.

‘The Greens will be taxing billionaires and ending tax handouts to wealthy property investors to make sure that every Australian can afford to buy a home, and the country’s billionaires aren’t able to keep hoarding more money than everyday people could ever imagine,’ he said.

‘Our priority is making sure that renters and mortgage holders can afford to keep a roof over their heads, that parents can see their kids get a home, and that the price of groceries stops going up.’

Last month, Daily Mail Australia revealed video emerged of young Greens federal MP Max Chandler-Mather explaining how the party plans to seize power in Australia by 2040

The 32-year-old, who has developed a reputation for getting under Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s skin, is touted by Canberra insiders as a rising star who could well be head of that future Greens government.

Mr Chandler-Mather told supporters that you get one vote for every three meaningful, genuine conversations you have with constituents.

By that reckoning, if the Greens could have 1,866,216 meaningful conversations with Australian voters, they would get enough votes to seize power at a Federal level.

According to his long-term strategy, the Greens should have won just one extra seat in the 2022 election. Instead they won three, including his own, putting them well ahead of target.

In the 2024 or 2025 election, with an additional 1,633 volunteers, the goal will be to engage with 130,635 more voters with an anticipated yield of three additional lower house seats giving them six in total.

Over the next five elections, that would then build up to 6,998 volunteers in the 2040 election reaching 559,865 households. 

Under the Chandler-Mather plan, the Greens would have nine seats by 2028, building to 15, 23 and 32 at subsequent elections, and then the 45 seats needed to form a minority government in 2040.

By his reckoning, 45 seats would allow the Greens to be the senior party in a coalition with Labor which would have 44.

The Greens’ ‘reparations’ and ‘dynastic wealth tax’ proposals 

‘Tax on dynastic wealth’ 

“The Australian Greens want: […] 3. A reduction in the inequities in the current tax and transfer system, including but not limited to:


6. the implementation of a tax on dynastic wealth, targeted at those bequeathing or gifting large amounts;”

Decolonising international aid

‘As a wealthy, colonial country, Australia has a responsibility to contribute its fair share of aid, and pay reparations for its role in the climate crisis and the ongoing damage caused by imperialism …

‘The inequitable global distribution of wealth and debt is the unjust result of colonialism and imperialism. As a colonial power, Australia has a responsibility to do something about it.’

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