Inside Business 2023 Top Forty Under 40: Tamar Smithers, Virginia African American Cultural Center

Age: 39

Job: Executive director, Virginia African American Cultural Center

At work: As a nonprofit executive, I wear many hats, and no two days are the same. I feel so blessed to work in a mission-driven industry. In my role, I am responsible for overseeing the administration, fundraising, programming development and implementation and overall strategic plan of the organization. I am committed to community relationship building and audience development/engagement daily.

Home and family: I reside in Virginia Beach. I was born in upstate Syracuse, New York, and grew up in New York City. I have three sisters and grew up in a musical household. My mother loves to sing, all my sisters sing and my aunt had a career in the recording industry back in the ’80s. I am truly a family-oriented person. While I am not living in the same city as my family, I am so glad that by moving here, I am much closer to them now.

Volunteer activities: I believe that service is the rent we pay to live on this earth. I try to seize any opportunity I can to volunteer my time in service of others. I am a proud member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. and have just joined the Chesapeake chapter. I am a member of Lambda Kappa Mu Sorority Inc., which is a business and professional organization for women. I serve on the board of directors for the Association of African American Museums and have served on several other nonprofit boards and committees throughout my career. I have served as a worship leader with the music ministry for churches I attended in Nashville and my hometown of Syracuse.

Motivating factor: Waking up each morning knowing that I have another chance to do right in the world. Having opened a national, monumental arts and culture institution in Nashville, I am so honored to be afforded the opportunity to create that same impact here in Hampton Roads. Knowing how transformative this project is and will be is the driving force that keeps me going every day.

Advice to young people: We should all aspire to be lifelong learners. There is a lesson in every situation, and we must be open to receiving them.

Professional goal in five years: To officially open the Virginia African American Cultural Center. Additionally, I will obtain my Ph.D. in community engagement and look forward to writing a book and/or stage play. I’d like to also finish my album, which is 10 years in the making, titled “Tamarow, a Brand-New Day.” I’d like to explore launching my own nonprofit arts consulting firm.

The one thing I’d change about Hampton Roads: More opportunities to engage/attract young professionals to the area.

Region’s biggest asset: The variety of experiences you can enjoy. If you like to be near the water and lounge on the beach, we have that for you. If you enjoy hiking, etc., we have that for you. Also, the fact that we are just a few hours away from major metropolitan cities, such as Washington, D.C. or New York City, is a huge plus and attractive element as well.

Downtime: As an extroverted introvert, I enjoy all the opportunities I get to recharge my battery. I am truly a creative, so when I have an opportunity to do so, I enjoy singing or simply listening to music. I also love to dance; my favorite dance style is African dance and tap, both styles are very freeing for me physically. I am also a gamer. You can find me playing anything Mario, Donkey Kong or my all-time favorite Zelda.

What really gets under my skin: A lack of authenticity.

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