Girl Trek: Black women band together to focus on health

The members of Alpha Kappa Alpha lead by example by getting out into the community and getting their steps in

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — You may have heard of the worldwide movement, “girl trek” which was originally an initiative for black women to band together focusing on their health by being more active.

 Three news anchor Lexis Greene met up with one sorority right here in in the coastal bend using the Trek walk to help get their members out into our community.

You might have seen a group of women down by the sea wall getting their power walk on… but their mission is more than counting steps. 

“The idea is really to promote heart health. Heart disease is the number one killer of women it’s the number one killer of black women in America”, said Jaishree Ellis.

Getting out there is the first step, said Ellis who is an OBGYN in Corpus who also serves as the community uplift chair in her sorority Alpha Kappa Alpha.
She thought her members would benefit from the Trek walk.

“We modeled it after a national program called GirlTrek – and the idea is to grab a neighbor -grab a friend and just get out there and walk.”, said Ellis.

The Alpha Kappa Alpha members choose different locations across the coastal bend for their trek walk as a way for them to be out and inspire others to do the same.

“It’s people from our sorority it’s our friends it’s our coworkers we’ve had a couple guys join us. The nice thing about it is your walking with people who are positive its very uplifting.” said Ellis.

Ellis’ co-chair Lucretia Nickleson says she works out 5 days a week on her own but it’s about the sisterhood and–encouraging others to move their body.

“People who haven’t walked are coming out and joining us on these walks. So its baby steps but we hope it turns into a lifestyle for them as well. “, said Nickelson.

Ellis says the group meets every other Sunday, and they encourage others to make the move to a healthier lifestyle. 

“Honor yourself, honor your spirit, honor your physical presence -do what you can do enjoy this life enjoy god’s green earth and hopefully live a little longer”, said Ellis.

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