Tucker Carlson is fearless. He wields enormous influence. He has both earned and inherited sufficient wealth that our establishment cannot ruin him. Fox couldn’t tame him or silence him. Like Elon Musk, Donald Trump, and a shrinking list of people, Carlson is actually free. That makes him dangerous. Which also puts him in danger.
I wouldn’t be surprised to see some crackpot criminal case cooked up against Carlson by a lawless prosecutor with ties to the Soros empire, who commands obedient juries in some deep-blue urban hellhole. I hope that Carlson is prepared to pick up and flee to a free country, if that happens.
It’s arguably what Donald Trump himself would be wisest to do. The fact that he’s risking prison to run for president of this increasingly tyrannical country is a tribute to his patriotism. Yes, there’s some of P.T. Barnum to Donald Trump. There’s also increasingly something of Lech Walesa. Republicans who denounce Trump to the media are like the Frenchmen who’d denounce Resistance members to the Germans.
Tucker Carlson Rides the Third Rail All the Way to the End
Leave that aside. Back to Carlson. Recently, he didn’t just touch the third rail of American politics. He grabbed it with both hands and used it to make his hair stand up funny, while he chuckled. And so far, Carlson’s still walking free. In a recent broadcast, Carlson questioned the entirety of the narrative surrounding the death of George Floyd. He cited resurfaced evidence that the medical examiner tasked with finding Floyd’s cause of death did not consider it a homicide.
Ep. 32 You’ll be shocked to learn this, but it turns out the whole George Floyd story was a lie. pic.twitter.com/4vDXBStHf5
— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) October 20, 2023
If that’s true, then the police officers convicted of killing or helping to kill Floyd are innocent. What’s worse, the authorities knew that they were innocent, and purposely railroaded them. (You know, the way prosecutors tried to railroad Kyle Rittenhouse.)
The Riots Were the Point
At the same time, despite these convictions which seemed to prove that “the System works,” our media and the Democratic party encouraged national riots, looting, and burning — which went almost completely unrestrained by police, and unpunished. Vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris praised the riots, and urged that they continue. Our First Lady for Life Michelle Obama threatened Americans that if we didn’t vote in Joe Biden, the riots would get even worse.
This low-level civil war in much of our country accomplished what it was meant to: it created a sense of crisis among voters, and undermined Donald Trump. It helped defund police (launching a crime wave in black communities), discredit our justice system, and likely made it easier to get away with vote fraud. Nobody wanted to take the slightest risk of cracking down on ballot harvesting in black neighborhoods.
Now, I don’t know what to think. I watched the infamous video of Floyd’s arrest, and to my untrained, civilian eye, that looked like excessive force. Not as excessive as what the Capitol Police used against Ashli Babbitt and other January 6 protestors, but over the top nevertheless. I don’t have access or expertise to judge the medical evidence. So I’m reserving judgment on the claim that Carlson made about Floyd’s death and its circumstances. We may never know the truth, any more than we do about the death of JFK.
It is worth pointing out that the 1968 riots in West Germany which handed vast power to the radical left were started by a police shooting of a student … and the policeman who shot him turned out to be an East German Stasi spy. Sometimes history rhymes.
Keeping the Slaves Illiterate and Addicted
What I found more interesting in Carlson’s broadcast than the question of how a drug-addled repeat offender died were the broader issues raised by Carlson’s guest — the brilliant and incisive black conservative Vince Ellison.
In the second half of Carlson’s show, Ellison explained that George Floyd wasn’t just a convenient “martyr” for Democrats to use to bash police and Republicans. That’s almost innocent compared to the sinister role poor Floyd plays for the left.
Ellison argues that George Floyd is the role model the left holds out for black Americans: Uneducated, unemployable, drug-addicted, habitually criminal, and hence a safe, tame supporter of whatever leftist elites want to promote at the moment. The Democrats can count on the George Floyds of America at the voting booth, in the jury pool, and whenever they need to turn out some muscle for a riot.
Why Open the Borders? To Import More George Floyds
Crime-ridden, lawless, economically hopeless cities such as Baltimore and Chicago aren’t a bug but a feature. The only regret Democrats have is that there are still some cities left which aren’t like that. But give them time. They’re working on it — for instance by importing millions of uneducated, unvetted illegal immigrants. No wonder so many Democrats sympathize with Hamas in Gaza; to them Gaza isn’t so much an ally as a Utopia they’re striving to replicate in places like Dearborn, Michigan.
Ellison’s theory would explain why Black Lives Matter didn’t just favor Marxist redistribution of wealth, but sexual radicalism and the destruction of the nuclear family. It would help us understand why the leftists at the Smithsonian denounced punctuality, professionalism, and the work ethic as wicked artifacts of “white culture.”
If you want a leftist oligarchy to rule a sheeplike, compliant population unable to challenge the people in power, breaking down “bourgeois norms” and religious faith are critical first steps. You can’t have society producing too many bookish, prayerful, self-reliant citizens. Such people are trouble.
The Left Doesn’t See Color, Just Power
I want to be fair to the left, though. Ellison is right that leftists see George Floyd as a role model, but not just for blacks. I’d argue that the left sees hapless, addled, dependent ne’er do wells as the pattern for the masses. Apart from the members of its own privately educated, carefully groomed elite, the left would rather most Americans be like George Floyd: easy to manage with bread and circuses, unlikely to step out of line. Those citizens who do step out of line, like pro-life dad Mark Houck, will have the FBI to deal with.
You might remember Orwell’s 1984, where the ruling Party intentionally kept the vast majority of the population, the “Proles,” purposely ignorant, intoxicated, degraded and manipulated.
Students of history will know that the militaristic elite of the vicious slave state Sparta did the same to the Messenians it held in bondage. In a particularly diabolical twist, the Spartans would even set up contests to identify the most athletic, intelligent members of their slave class: then they would kill them. (For more appalling facts about the infernal Spartan regime, see historian Tom Holland’s book Persian Fire. Read it, and you’ll see the Persians at Thermoplae as the freedom fighters.)
That’s the left’s model for governing our country. It doesn’t see black or white, just pale, milky veal. Our elites are running a veal farm, and they want to keep us helpless until they’re ready to process us.
John Zmirak is a senior editor at The Stream and author or co-author of ten books, including The Politically Incorrect Guide to Immigration and The Politically Incorrect Guide to Catholicism. He is co-author with Jason Jones of “God, Guns, & the Government.”