Dems Urge For Biden Orders On Reparations To Boost Black Vote

With recent polls showing Joe Biden losing support among black voters in swing states,  Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) is urging Biden to look into buying votes – through executive orders on reparations.

“Simply put, reparations can drive black voter turnout to transformative levels. I salute the work of Earn the Black Vote and hope that their message can clarify discussions about the importance of an executive order as we approach the Juneteenth holiday” Jackson Lee said in a National African-American Reparations Commission release.

RELATED: Sheila Jackson Lee Says Reparations Could Have Kept Black People From Dying of COVID

The pro-reparations group, The Earn the Black Vote Collaborative, conducted a poll where the (not-so surprising) results showed that many black voters in swing states were supportive of  Biden signing an executive order to create a Reparations Commission and crafting a proposal to address the impact of slavery.

With executive orders already issued to purchase the votes of… err, “forgive” college debt of younger voters and the push for executive orders on reparations, surely polls will show widespread support for car loan forgiveness as well.  I wouldn’t be surprised if government debt would be increased in yet another Biden effort to drive home the purchasing power of votes.

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