It is no secret that there is a prevalent movement in this country being engineered and executed to negate the progress and upward mobility of people of color, especially African Americans. This feeling is felt more by Blacks who have a history in this country of being disenfranchised, exploited, and trivialized.
There are just so many things you can ignore or give the benefit of the doubt to. But so many of our Republican-led legislatures (with the Supreme Court’s blessing) are blatantly approving legislation to negate or hamper the progress of African Americans. ‘Far right’ legislators are on a quest to be recognized as ‘legitimate’ Americans, promoting all the already established rights and opportunities of the predominately White population of this country.
Close your eyes to the truth and rationalize if you wish, but there is sufficient evidence to support a movement to devalue and trivialize the efforts of African Americans to be truly accepted—despite the implementation of many ‘diverse and inclusive’ programs sponsored by American businesses and government. Be cognizant that many Republican-led legislatures are approving voter suppression laws, banning or diluting African American history, and doing away with Affirmative Action. Maybe privileged and entitled White Americans may find solace in pretending that these moves are no big deal, but if they were to put themselves in the shoes of African Americans, they would feel differently.
Many African Americans are working assiduously to better their lives and achieve the much-touted American dream—a dream that has been historically stifled for African Americans by enslavement; Jim Crow laws; segregation; and overt, discriminatory practices. Such practices have long allowed Whites to generationally excel and dominate on a social, political, and financial level. But when progress seems to be made leveling the playing field, it is subtly or abruptly taken away by legislation that is unconstitutional and racist.
There is a movement being manifested to take African Americans back to a time when they were completely submissive to the whims of the dominant White population. But we should recognize their ‘game plan,’ and oppose those who are opponents of truth, justice, and equality. Unfortunately, those words often sound good but are not put into action by a country that seems to be infatuated with embracing immorality, corruption, and racism.
There should be a substantial outcry from liberal or ‘woke’ White Americans admitting these actions are racist and bigoted. They should openly discourage their White legislators to do better. The truth is that many of these White voters who claim to be appalled and outraged with contentious, discriminatory and divisive laws continue to secretly vote to keep these racist legislators in office. In fact, many Americans feel the U.S. president could enforce Executive Orders to counteract some of these discriminatory and unconstitutional state laws.
The pervasive racial climate in this country makes it acceptable for White supremacist legislators to openly voice their racist rhetoric with little if any backlash. Instead of trying to make amends for the iniquities rendered upon African Americans, there are Whites working fervently to dilute the seriousness of these wrongs. Their continuing disrespect for African Americans is inexcusable and unacceptable, but it doesn’t seem to stop.
Black Americans are now asking for those claiming to be Christian (or are honestly devoted to a country that seeks to be inclusive for all) to speak out and vote these despicable legislators out of office. Maybe it isn’t too late for this country to alter its downward course toward damnation as it ‘dances’ with racism, immorality, lies, and inequality. This country must realize that when you disrespect one group of people, you are doing a disservice to all. When will this country realize that we are all intertwined? What affects one affects us all.