A 38-year-old Cheyenne man has been sent back to prison after thousands of child pornography images were found on a cell phone in his possession.
According to the United States Attorney’s Office, Brian Joseph Nielsen was first sentenced on Jan. 13, 2011, after pleading guilty to the shipment of child pornography using a means of interstate commerce.
Nielsen, who was 25 years old and living in Cody at the time, received a 135-month sentence and began his lifetime supervised release in December 2019.

On Feb. 24, 2023, Nielsen’s probation officer found him in possession of two unauthorized cell phones.
Nielsen admitted to knowingly possessing approximately 2,000 images of child pornography on one of the phones.
Yesterday, Aug. 17, Nielsen was sentenced to 148 months in prison for possession of child pornography, second or subsequent conviction.
Chief U.S. District Court Judge Scott W. Skavdahl imposed the sentence which includes 15 years of supervised release following Nielsen’s prison term.
LOOK: What major laws were passed the year you were born?
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