As a Black American who is a descendant of persons enslaved in...
George Adam Keller enslaved a man named Zeike Quarterman in 19th-century Georgia....
California legislators have introduced a landmark fleet of bills aimed at addressing...
California’s grand reparations plan does not include cash payments (for now), but...
RIO DE JANEIRO — The executive manager for institutional relations at a...
RIO DE JANEIRO — The executive manager for institutional relations at a...
California’s task force on reparations for descendants of enslaved Africans first presented...
By Lynn La The California Energy Commission’s new Division of Petroleum Market Oversight,...
Photo: Getty Images California is introducing a first-of-its-kind reparations package. On Wednesday...
After years in the making, a group of California lawmakers has presented...
The California State Legislature on Thursday became the first in the country...
LOADINGERROR LOADING The California Legislative Black Caucus introduced more than a dozen...