The report, titled “One in Five: Ending Racial Inequity in Incarceration,” highlights a notable decline in the lifetime likelihood of...
When Leslie Rombkowksi was imprisoned at Ohio Reformatory for Women in Marysville, she wanted to continue her education. But there...
It’s become even more of a given in our present era that there exists two justice systems, which overlap but...
It’s a huge task to hire 9,000 youths for summer jobs. Perhaps even more difficult is ensuring that the hiring...
Historian Marvin Dunn was surveying land he co-owns in a Florida town called Rosewood – once a haven for Black...
HOLYOKE — Holyoke Community College (HCC) Criminal Justice Professor Nicole Hendricks was honored on Oct. 6 with an Inspiration Award...
A new report, “Still Not Free When They Come Home,” produced by The Center for Popular Democracy (CPD) and Black...
A coalition of state and national leaders address voter education and suppression. Melanie Campbell, president and CEO of the National...
The first True Crime book I ever read was Robert Graysmith’s Zodiac—I spent my allowance on a trade-sized copy and...
Georgia officials released body-worn camera and dash camera footage Wednesday afternoon of the traffic stop and deadly shooting of Leonard...
In response to legislation passed by the California State Assembly requiring all California State University students to take courses in...
Florida officials and voters have addressed one of the nation’s most restrictive disenfranchisement laws through a series of policy changes....