Two candidates are running for a four-year term as Seneca County District Attorney: incumbent Mark Sinkiewicz, who appears on the...
Six Ohio cities have Law & Leadership Institute programs. Federal court Judge Jeffrey Hopkins, who grew up in Canton, is...
Youth in legal system need to be supported As a network of families and young people with lived experience navigating...
The quest for progressivism is hurting Israel most Breaking News This post was originally published on this site...
Carol Shapiro, a former member of New York’s parole board, and Jose Saldana, whom she voted to release on parole...
Webster’s Dictionary defines democracy as “government rule of the majority.” But Bob Brady, who has served as chairman of the...
Six Ohio cities have Law & Leadership Institute programs. Federal court Judge Jeffrey Hopkins, who grew up in Canton, is...
For the past 25 years, the name Zappala has been synonymous with law enforcement in Allegheny County. As one of...
International terror defendants face longer prison terms than domestic counterparts, new study finds
People convicted of crimes related to domestic extremism face far shorter prison terms than those convicted in international terrorism cases,...
Some of Britain’s biggest retailers, including Tesco, John Lewis and Sainsbury’s, have been urged to pull out of a new...
A new study, undertaken by Ravi Shroff, an assistant professor holding joint appointments at NYU Steinhardt and NYU CUSP, and...
There’s plenty of profit to be made by exploiting Black people in America’s system of punitive laws, privatization, and systemic...