The Maui Police Department released the name of the 53-year-old man who died in an attempted murder incident that occurred...
FAIRMONT — A search is underway for a man who is wanted for a stabbing that occurred Monday night in...
On July 12, detectives from the Bradley County Sheriff’s Office arrested 20-year-old Jonathan Ray Morgan in connection to an overdose...
Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s deputies have arrested a suspect in a weekend homicide that occurred in the Vandenberg Village area of...
Activists in New York City march in July 2016 in response to fatal shootings of two black men by police....
Nearly 60% of the people that the Innocence Project has helped to free or exonerate since 1992 are Black. This...
Sheila Jackson Lee, a longtime Democratic congresswoman from Texas who was an outspoken advocate for Black Americans for decades, has...
Social justice advocates spotlighted attacks on education and emphasized inequalities in the criminal justice system at a panel Georgetown University’s...
Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s deputies have arrested a suspect in a weekend homicide that occurred in the Vandenberg Village area of...
Shots were fired at a Trump campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. The former president narrowly escaped. He emerged bloody, but...
A 20-year-old Klamath Falls man faces a criminal indictment today with two counts of murder and an attempted murder charge....
A 24-year-old man died and an 18-year-old was injured in a double shooting outside the BP gas station at Clio...