BLACK HISTORY MONTH! Talking to local black owned business owners and artists

Mr. Roland O’Neal is a local African American artist in the city of Meridian and was inspired to make an original piece of Art for this reporter, as well as Twin States News for Black History Month.

“Black History means a celebration of the black community as a whole throughout the United States, and the people that participate in various activities related to Black History month.”

Mr. Roland’s work is not only related to black history, but also impacts the lives of others.

“People as me to send it off to go in different public schools and stuff like that, so I usually send it to various publishing companies, newspaper organizations, and publishing houses throughout the United States.”

He also emphasized his love and passion to share his work with others.

“I did one for the U.S.S Arizona Memorial at Pearl Harbor, and I have one for the National Football League in Canton.”

He isn’t the only one impacting the community, as business owners, Jerry McCoy of Aura 5 LLC, and Quentin Thigpen of V-Lounge Bar & Grill, expressed the joy of owning businesses in the Queen City.

“We do know that we’re paving the way for other black businesses, and this is something we are incredibly proud of,” says McCoy

“Means a lot coming from where I come from, just being a black business owner, the opportunity to provide great customer service for the people,” says Thigpen

As it is Black History Month, local Business owners in the community say that they are happy their business is thriving, and that they can impact and serve others. 

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