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Former soccer player Abby Wambach had a very odd reaction during a conversation with Yaba Blay about reparations.
Discussions of reparations are hardly new in America. It seems to bubble up once every few years, and the argument made by people in favor has always been varying degrees that paying black people reparations washes clean the sins of slavery.
Blay, whose entire career seems to be made of talking about racism, doesn’t think that’s the case at all. She wants money and still wants to call people racist. What a lovely person. It’s not a surprising take from someone who appeared in a video with Jemele Hill titled, “Who Determines Who is Black? Dr. Yaba Blay on the One-Drop Rule.”
Wambach seems to agree it’s a great idea!

Abby Wambach laughs about taking money and shaming white people.
“White people, I need you to know your money will not assuage you from your guilt. You can not pay your way out of this. There are not enough reparations in the world that you can pay us. So you think because you write me a check or slide me something in Venmo that you’re absolved and you can tell somebody, ‘Well, I gave Dr. Blay $100. I’m not racist.’ Dr. Blay is going to spend your $100 and still tell you that you’re racist. Thank you,” Blay, who seems like she’d be just so much fun at a party, said during the conversation.
What did Wambach do? Did she immediately call out Blay’s racist comments? Did she take a stand and say that kind of rhetoric was inappropriate and wouldn’t be tolerated?
Not at all. She laughed and said “that’s awesome” in reaction to Blay’s wildly stupid comments. You can watch the video below, and send your thoughts to
Wambach and Yaba Blay pull the curtain back.
Credit to both women for exposing themselves. It’s not about making righting the wrongs of history – if that’s an argument you even buy to begin with.
That’s what people have been told for decades. Clearly, Blay feels very differently. She’ll gladly take your money and call you racist.
Does that sound like a good person to you? It definitely doesn’t to me. Who laughs about calling people racist? What kind of person does that?
Furthermore, what is so “awesome” about what Blay said that Wambach felt the need to laugh? It’s not funny at all.
Yaba Blay straight up implied the idea of reparations is just to line her pockets while still reserving the right to call anyone she wants a racist. A normal person would have immediately stopped the conversation.

Instead, Abby Wambach busted out laughing describing Blay’s disgusting mindset as “awesome.” That’s certainly a hell of a way to describe it. Give me your thoughts on this truly unhinged exchange at Something tells me most OutKick readers will agree with my assessment.