The University of North Texas’ Health Science Center is encouraging minority youth to consider joining the medical field.
Associate Professor, Emanuel George, says they’ve partnered with local organization Black Men in White Coats to host a youth summit in hopes of increasing the number of Black and minority doctors.
“At the time of the founding of the organization, one UCLA study found that although Black individuals make up thirteen point six percent of the population, only five percent of physicians in America are Black,” George said.
That was back in 2013… and that number still holds true today.
George says he believes it’s important that patients see representation in their doctors.
“A lot of statistics and studies have been done about the disparity when it comes to health literacy, health education and access to medical care,” George said. “But also even how patients are being treated because of stereotypes and systemic kind of perceptions that are there with the patients.”
The free event starts at 9 a.m. in the university’s Medical Education and Training building and will feature keynote speaker Dr. Dale Okorodudu, who is the founder of Black Men in White Coats.
Registration is open to both boys and girls, grades 3rd through 12th as well as their parents, undergraduate college students and pre-health advisors.
To register, visit
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