A Trump-Biden rematch is a no-brainer | Letters to the editor

The national media is making a horse race out of what should be a slam-dunk election by obsessing on inflation and Joe Biden’s age while ignoring an historic presidency.

Biden has done far more than help the country recover from the economic and moral train wreck of the Trump presidency. He’s the first president to effectively challenge Ronald Reagan’s disastrous trickle-down economics. He has done more with less than any of his predecessors because his age is an asset, not a liability. He’s been around the block much longer than Bill Clinton and Barack Obama were when they were elected, and it shows, in his ability to manage Republicans in a manner reminiscent of how Reagan managed Democrats. His age would be an asset in a second term as it was to Reagan.

Biden’s “middle out, bottom up” economy has been a major success in terms of the number and quality of jobs created. It’s why the economy has weathered 10 interest rate hikes without the recession predicted by many so-called experts.

A focus on average Americans was the basis of FDR’s New Deal, a social contract that presidents in both parties followed for a half century before it was replaced by Reagan’s “raw deal.” It built a middle class that was the envy of the world.

A race between Biden and Trump should a no-brainer. New Deal or Raw Deal? Continue to plunder American workers (since Reagan, it’s estimated that some $50 trillion has shifted from the bottom 90% to the top 1%) or end the class war with reparations? Resurrect our democracy, or give up on the grand experiment of America?

Michael K. Cantwell, Delray Beach

The writer is president of the Democratic Club of Delray Beach.

A welcome surprise

Thank you, Sun Sentinel editors, for the Nov. 23 Opinion Page reprint of President George Washington’s Thanksgiving Day proclamation.

I always avoid reading the Opinion page because of its far-left, pro-Biden agenda. This article was welcome surprise.

Dominick Conte, Highland Beach

An offer of legal advice

All defendants, witnesses, lawyers and court personnel should not be allowed to speak to the news media or the public about an ongoing trial. After the trial is over, they can say anything that isn’t defamatory.

I heard pro-Trump lawyer John Eastman on 60 Minutes. His statements can influence potential jurors and witnesses, but he was not speaking under oath. He should not have been allowed to speak about anything related to the court case.

Violators should be incarcerated. This should apply to everyone — including Donald Trump.

Carl Schneider, Delray Beach

A pill is no answer

The newest FDA-approved weight-loss drug on the market is Zepbound, joining Wegovy and Ozempic as a cure for obesity. All three cost about $1,000 monthly.

Americans have been indoctrinated to believe that our medical problems can be resolved with a pill or injection, despite the many side effects. When I watch TV, which I try to avoid, most ads are for prescription drugs and fast food. No wonder they have their claws in the masses. When I pass a McDonald’s, Burger King or Wendy’s drive-through, the lines are often wrapped around the building.

It’s time for Americans to ditch fast food and eat healthier. Obesity is rampant, is getting worse and now affects young people. The cost to our healthcare system from obesity is staggering and threatens to become even more expensive.

Instead of spending $1,000 a month on a quick-fix drug, my guess is half that amount could buy a house full of healthier foods to eat. Americans did not become obese overnight. Getting in shape takes lifestyle changes and will not happen overnight, either. For your health and your family’s, there’s no time like the present to make changes in your life, and stop believing a pill is the answer.

Alan Wolfson, Delray Beach

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