Call for artists: Black Women’s Affinity Group announces theme for upcoming art gallery show

With the theme of “Restoring the Black Woman,” Madison College’s Black Women’s Affinity Group (BWAG) has announced a call to artists for its 3rd annual Dzigbodi Akyea art exhibit.

BWAG encourages artists of all backgrounds, styles, and mediums to personally explore and interpret this theme. The deadline for artists to express interest in participating is November 3, 2023. The exhibit will open with a large community event on February 1, 2024.

“This theme is very intentional,” says Melissa Matson, the Manager of Student Records and Data at Madison College and BWAG secretary. “We’re focusing on our mental health and wellness, and our overall experience as Black women. It’s how we take care of ourselves and how we love ourselves; it’s everything.”

BWAG is an employee affinity group at Madison College and provides Black women employees a shared space for conversation, community, and fellowship. The art exhibit has become an opportunity for increased awareness and conversation with colleagues and the broader community. Previous themes for the exhibit were “Protecting the Black Woman” and “Honoring the Black Woman.”

Chevon Bowen, the college’s Workplace Culture Strategist and BWAG’s President, says psychological safety, inclusion, and feeling valued are important pre-conditions to understand and measure Madison College’s ongoing culture and climate efforts. “We’re figuring out what the needs are of this group, and what we can do to provide spaces, even if in small pockets, to show up for our community of Black women.”

The exhibit is named after Dzigbodi Akyea, a former Madison College employee, who passed away in 2021 and was a source of great inspiration to her colleagues. The exhibit will be on display at Madison College’s Gallery at Truax, 1701 Wright St., throughout the month of February.

Artist information and deadlines:
Artists of all ages and from all backgrounds, styles, and mediums can submit their proposals for inclusion in the exhibit. Artwork should resonate with and contribute to the theme of “Restoring the Black Woman.” Artists from throughout the state of Wisconsin are encouraged to submit proposals.

Submission Deadlines:
Application Deadline to express interest: November 3, 2023
Concept Proposal Deadline: December 8, 2023

How to Apply:

To apply, please fill out BWAG’s online submission form.

Submit Your Artist Proposal

If you have any questions or need further information, please contact

Exhibit Dates:

The “Restoring the Black Woman” art gallery show is scheduled to open February 1, 2024 and will run through the entire month. The community will be invited to the gallery opening on February 1, with more details coming soon.

About the Gallery at Truax

The Gallery at Truax provides diverse experiences by exhibiting creativity, innovation, and collaboration for Madison College and its community. The gallery is an educational destination for discovery and expression, while promoting Madison College and its community.

Gallery Location
1701 Wright St. A1005, Madison, WI

Current Gallery Hours
Monday 9:30 am – 6:00 pm
Tuesday 12:30 pm – 6:00 pm
Wednesday 9:30 am – 4:30 pm
Thursday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Friday 11:00 am – 3:00 pm
Closed weekends


For more information on the Black Women’s Affinity Group or to request an interview, please contact Mel Charbonneau at

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