Roll Call: Key votes from the Wisconsin congressional delegation last week

Here’s how members of Wisconsin’s congressional delegation voted on major issues last week. Readers can visit to research other top issues and individual voting records in the current 118th Congress and recent 117th Congress.

Speaker McCarthy fails to advance military budget: Voting 212-214, the House on Sept. 19 defeated a procedural measure allowing consideration of a bill (HR 4365) that would appropriate $826.5 billion for the Department of Defense and intelligence agencies in the fiscal year beginning Oct. 1. Five far-right Republicans voted to block the bill, demanding spending cuts in 2024 budget bills including this one. Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., could not afford that many defections because Democrats voted unanimously against the measure, objecting to the GOP-written spending bill’s abortion, climate and culture-war provisions.

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Two days later, McCarthy brought the procedural measure up for another vote but again suffered defeat when several members of his fractured caucus voted to prevent the spending bill from reaching the House floor.

A yes vote was to bring the military spending bill up for debate.

Voting yes: Bryan Steil, R-1, Derrick Van Orden, R-3, Scott Fitzgerald, R-5, Glenn Grothman, R-6, Thomas Tiffany, R-7, Mike Gallagher, R-8

Voting no: Mark Pocan, D-2, Gwen Moore, D-4

Gen. Charles Q. Brown, Joint Chiefs chairman: Voting 83-11, the Senate on Sept. 20 confirmed the appointment of Air Force Gen. Charles Q. Brown Jr., to a four-year term as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, a panel of top brass from all services that advises the president on national security policies and strategies. The first African-American to head a branch of the U.S. military, Brown, born in 1962, was most recently Air Force chief of staff. He has logged over 3,000 flight hours including 130 hours in combat.

This vote temporarily lifted a six-month blockade by Tommy Tuberville, R-Ala., of promotions of 300 or more military officers. The Senate then confirmed Army and Marine Corps leaders (below). Tuberville said he would continue to obstruct military appointments to protest a Pentagon policy that enables servicewoman and family members to go out-of-state for abortions if the state where they are based has virtually or totally outlawed the procedure. One senator’s ability to freeze military promotions is rooted in a Senate rule requiring the consent of all senators for business to proceed without time-consuming debate and votes.

A yes vote was to confirm Gen. Brown as the nation’s top military adviser.

Tammy Baldwin, D, voted yes and Ron Johnson, R, voted no.

Gen. Eric Smith, Marine Corps commandant: By a unanimous vote of 96-0, the Senate on Sept. 21 confirmed the appointment of Gen. Eric M. Smith, 58, as Marine Corps commandant. The four-star general had combat deployments to Afghanistan and Iraq and participated in operations in Liberia and Venezuela, among other overseas duty. A Marine for 36 years, Smith served most recently as assistant and then acting commandant of the corps. He has held top positions with the Marine Corps Combat Development Command and III Marine Expeditionary Force.

A yes vote was to confirm Gen. Smith to lead the Marines.

Baldwin and Johnson voted yes.

Gen. Randy George, Army chief of staff: Voting 96-1, the Senate on Sept. 21 confirmed the appointment of Gen. Randy George, 57, as chief of staff of the Army. The negative vote was cast by Mike Lee, R-Utah. George served most recently as Army vice chief of staff, and among earlier career assignments, he commanded the 4th Infantry Division. Twice awarded the Combat Infantry Badge, George served in combat in Iraq and Afghanistan.

A yes vote was to confirm Gen. George to lead the Army.

Baldwin and Johnson voted yes.

Key votes ahead

During the week of Sept. 25, both chambers will consider fiscal 2024 spending bills, perhaps including a stopgap funding measure intended to prevent a partial government shutdown when the new fiscal year begins Oct. 1. News Reports is a nonpartisan, fact-based news service whose mission is to help civically engaged individuals and organizations track major actions in the U.S. House and Senate. Readers can visit to research other top issues and individual voting records in the current 118th Congress and recent 117th Congress.

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