Ronnie Radke Says Some Out of Pocket Sh*t About Reparations and Transphobia

When it comes to biting social commentary and wise insights into what ails our late stage capitalist hellhole, maybe the last person we should be looking to is Falling In Reverse frontman Ronnie Radke. The internet lightning rod of shitstorms and bad takes has once again popped off on some wild nonsense and you just know we gotta get in on this lunacy.

Over the last couple days, Radke has been going off about trans issues, spouting off some common far right talking points and trying to pass it off as some support for biological women.

In one post on his Twitter account (which we’re sure to be blocked from once this goes live), he posted an image of trans influencer Dylan Mulvaney holding a box of Tampax tampons. In the tweet, he lambasted the idea of such a brand choosing them as their spokesperson, calling it “extremely offensive to all women” — which he would naturally know all about as a cis man. Never mind the fact that that never happened, but go off, King.

But it didn’t stop there. Our brave social warrior for women’s issues went on to do things like say he would mockingly change the lyrics of “I’m Not a Vampire” from “‘I feel like a lady that is pregnant with a baby’ to ‘I feel like a birthing person that is pregnant with a person who’s been birthed.’” Get it? Because pronouns? What a laugh riot.

Dude also went off again talking about how this whole thing is leading to the “confusion of American kids” and how it’s all about the “powers that be” wanting to make it so “a man isn’t a man and a women [sic] isn’t a woman anymore.” Casual transphobic shit, of course.

Then the coup de grace — when he was getting push back from a Twitter user about the difference between “woman” and “female,” he dropped a racist bomb that’s just… wow.


I’d go on and on about some of the other dumb shit he said as late as yesterday evening, such as saying someone needed to “respect the fact that I identify as a black man if you want me to respect you identify as a woman” or that he identifies “as a good person because of how many people I have helped quietly financially, emotionally and spiritually” before calling everyone “transphobic, bigot pieces of shit” for not seeing him as such.

Eventually, Radke did the right thing in the end and came to the right realization.

We’re sure a bunch of his fans are going to hold his water and drag MetalSucks online. That’s fine. At least we can perform in slightly chilly environments.

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