SPRINGFIELD, ILLINOIS — A new bill is looking to change the way Illinois handles state contracts. Under the new legislation, any organization entering a contract with the state must show if they have any ties to slavery.
The bill, officially known as the Enslavement Era and Redress Act, will require businesses to disclose if they have any historic ties to slavery.
For businesses who have those ties, they will have to make an economic commitment in the form of reparations if they want to be awarded a state contract.
Illinois State Representative and Sponsor, Sonya Harper, said she hopes this legislation will promote ethical business practices and support minority communities.
“This is done in an effort to pay those who were enslaved,” Harper said. “ Family members, their share of reparations for the harm their family members endured during slavery. We feel it is a small step forward in repairing the damage done and providing a sense of hope.”
If the legislation is passed, it will only apply to future contracts.
The Illinois Reparations Commission will also work on a plan to determine how reparation funds from the businesses involved will be distributed to descendants of the enslaved.
Evanston, Illinois was the first city in the nation to offer reparations with money going towards housing benefits.